Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Addicted to sunshine.

It's 60 degrees in Chicago today. The sun is out. It's beautiful. So beautiful and warm...I probably could cry out of joy if I let myself. *sigh*

I'm awful at this blogging thing. I go through short spurts of inspiration and long droughts of writer's block. :P

I came to a realization about myself today--one my step-dad will tell me he's noticed for years (and he's right). When I know what to expect and how things are supposed to go, I'm great. But when things are unknown or shaken up, I get flustered and frustrated. The world caves in.

There is something to be said for that cliche phrase, "Roll with the punches..." I need to learn that.

Founder's Week was amazing. Go to to download the sermons. Crawford Loritts did a series on Rest, Courage, and Restoration...by far my favorite.

I love sun chips. They remind me of days living in California...shopping at Zannato's (sp?) family grocery store where mom would never let us get chips or sweet things because we always got cavities. :)

Alright...there are my random tidbits.