Saturday, September 27, 2008

"There's no time for's football season!"

Moody is famous for it's intermural sports. It's pretty much the only fun outlet most of the Moody men have :) Well it's football season here at MBI and today was the opening day. My boyfriend plays on his floor's A-team (Dryer 2!)

Today was great. First game was at which time D2 whipped the opposition 30-0. The second game was at 3, also a win at 12-6, but a few more twists...

Jesse was going for the ball just as our friend, James, was also. Pictures speak for themselves. Jesse got knocked out for about 10 seconds and couldn't remember the 10 minutes following. We had a fun 4 hour ER visit tonight :D He was discharged with head trauma and tylenol. Gotta love hospitals :)

What an adventure. We followed that visit with a visit to Portillos for some shakes and french fries :D good stuff.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not what you get, but what you can give...

One of many nights I miss my family. Be well, wherever you are. You are close to my heart.

SO many thoughts rushing through my good :) Praise God for the power to think!

I'm reading through Ezekiel at the moment and today was chapter 8. Ezekiel is given this vision...he goes to the temple in Jerusalem and is commanded to dig into a wall. He does so and finds a door...a door to the room of the people's idols. The walls give witness of the abominations of the supposedly pious people...burning incense to other gods, worshiping the sun, women weeping for Tammuz (Babylonian god), etc... Then comes this key convicting verse...

"Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the room of his idols? For they say, 'Yahweh does not see us, Yahweh has forsaken the land." (vs. 12)

How many of us have committed sin, maybe thinking in our minds, "I know God sees all, but maybe He can't see this..." Do you notice how sin is so much easier when brought about in darkness...the human eyes may not see as well, but God's eyes do not require light to weep at the sin He sees us committing.

How many sins have we hidden in our hearts, thinking God cannot see them there?! "Search my heart, O God...", reveal the sin in it, and teach me how to repent.

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Moody's chapel speaker today is beginning a series on "Relating to One Another." I wrote down some great quotes...mostly just a bunch of thoughts to process:

"In relationships, communication is key. Assume nothing--talk about everything."

"Biblical love is ACTION not EMOTION."

"Live by the consistency of the word of god, not your emotions."

"Develop a sensitivity to our differences."

"We shouldn't let all the things we believe cause division in the body of Christ."

"See people as who they can be and who they can reach. Don't ignore those around you."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Pumpkin Festival

I'm going to the pumpkin capitol in two days!!!! Be jealous... :)

Monday, September 08, 2008

Blessed to be so.

Blessed to be in a loving family.
Blessed to have a legacy of Christian parents and grandparents.
Blessed to be able to worship God openly without fear of persecution.
Blessed to have work--to exercise diligence and stewardship.
Blessed to have freedoms that other cultures' women lack.
Blessed to be in school--to learn and to live as Christ reveals in scripture.
Blessed to live in Christian community with others that seek after God.
Blessed to approach God's throne, despite my depravity and lame tongue.
Blessed to have health and rest and energy.
Blessed to have speech.
Blessed to hear and make music.
Blessed to know, receive, and give love.
Blessed to have hurts, and from them grow stronger.
Blessed to know doubt, so faith might be strengthened.
Blessed to be so.



Sunday, September 07, 2008

It might be hope...

"…in these pages I plead with you as a father—perhaps a father who loves you dearly, or the father you never had. Or the father who never had a vision for you life I have for you—and God has for you. Or the father who has a vision for you, but it’s all about money and status…I plead with you: Desire that your life count for something great! Long for your life to have eternal significance. Want this!”

-John Piper; Don't Waste Your Life-

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Final times with Dr. Easley

It's been a huge privilege to be a student under his leadership. I had heard such great things from my aunt and uncle, past members of his previous church, that I had high expectations for how he would lead. My expectations were surpassed, but not by his great oratory or diplomatic manner, though he has both...I was more impressed with the quiet way he spoke. I admire Dr. Easley because he never communicates any scripture to the students that has not first made an impact on his own life.

This morning was the final president's chapel that Dr. Easley would be preaching as Moody's president. His charge to the audience was this:


"What voices are you listening to?" he asked. "Radiate the wisdom of Christ. Be wise as you age."
May God prepare him for whatever ministry he is brought to next.

Monday, September 01, 2008

"...for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail;
but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them.
You might even be found opposing God!"
(Acts 5:38-39)