Friday, March 14, 2008

Worlds collide

I've grown up in three worlds.

CALIFORNIA was my home for many years. My family began there. I met Christ there. I made life-long friendships and created fond memories there. Then I moved and left much of that world behind.

TEXAS became a new family...first time in a life-long experiences...roots for where my parents would plant their family for several years. Then I graduated.

ILLINOIS was the place for college. How blessed I am to be able to attend the college of my choice. I have connected with incredible people and learned so much of God and His life for me in that place.

But what happens when worlds collide?

My dear sister, Tiffany (high school friend and now roommate) and I invited our dearest friends home with us for part of spring break. I was apprehensive of such a visit. To invite people into your home is to give a bit more understanding of who you were before college (or whatever the current situation may be). It allows them insight into your training---why you are they way you are now.

I am so appreciative of these people. Tiffany, Sarah, Becky (though she could not come this trip), Bruce, Jesse, Scott (and many other unlisted friends). These people have become family for me in many ways and have proved to be faithful and loyal companions--the kind that remain before, during, and after the hard spells. How rare...

These last weeks have been hell to walk through in the area of friendships. They have been hard for all. At times, it is easy to lose understanding and grace for others. It is easier to break frustrations on others and cause them to carry the burden of your own inadequacies. But those that are able to be honest and rebuke you...those are the ones to keep around.

I have learned ...
To not steer from a harsh rebuke, but learn to listen for its truth,
That you can't give up on friendships,
That God will keep surprises from you until He sees fit to reveal them,
That hurts will be healed,
and that reconciliation is not just a responsibility, but also a gift.

I pray your recent weeks have been as challenging and encouraging.

May blessings exceed in your life,

1 comment:

Hofwoman said...

I love how in each place God has given you depth in character, and such a beauty and grace that I admire so in you. . .

And - I am super bummed that I never got to meet your friends :(