Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The sun through the rain is like a smile through tears.

My dear friends and therefore loved ones...

May peace abound with each of you today. I have news to share with you.

By various people, situations, and reasons, God has strongly shut the door to going to Ghana this summer. I believe it is His good, perfect, and pleasing will to do so and I'm not questioning "why?"

For nearly my entire life, I have prayed so hard for dream that I believed God called me to. I still think God planted that desire in me so long ago to lead me to the place I am now. As for the fulfillment of that calling, perhaps it is not supposed to take the form of serving in Ghana or Sudan. Perhaps the fulfillment is far different, temporary, or futurist than I think. Or perhaps there is something else in store? Whatever God's plans, the last two days, God has made it so evident that He has different ideas in mind and He is in control.

For those of you that were so gracious and generous to pledge your time and energy in prayer as well as financial support, I am so grateful for your sacrificial love towards me. For the logistics of money, I will soon be sending the checks back to you so that money can be returned to your accounts.

Yesterday, I was not concerned that God may be pulling me out of an internship.

Today, I have not been concerned that God is changing the calling of my life--but I always knew that if and when that day took place, it would be a hard time...and it is. Change can be painful and sudden, but it is comforting to see the hand of God directing the change.

So...because He is faithful, all I can say is...

As you wish, Lord.


Hofwoman said...

Oh, Sweet one, I love you. I know that it is so hard to watch a dream slip through your fingers. . . but God always seems to have such greater and better things in store.

I love you so very much. I am praying for His peace to cover you and comfort you.

Carol Van Atta, Princess Warrior said...

Wow! Your faith in God's will and timing is a testimony to believers everywhere. I'd like to think I'm a mature Christian (ehem ... little coughing sound) but, unfortunately, under the same circumstance, I just might have an itty, bitty, tantrum. In all seriousness, May God bless your future and reward you in unexpected ways for your trust in Him. Carol