Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Final times with Dr. Easley

It's been a huge privilege to be a student under his leadership. I had heard such great things from my aunt and uncle, past members of his previous church, that I had high expectations for how he would lead. My expectations were surpassed, but not by his great oratory or diplomatic manner, though he has both...I was more impressed with the quiet way he spoke. I admire Dr. Easley because he never communicates any scripture to the students that has not first made an impact on his own life.

This morning was the final president's chapel that Dr. Easley would be preaching as Moody's president. His charge to the audience was this:


"What voices are you listening to?" he asked. "Radiate the wisdom of Christ. Be wise as you age."
May God prepare him for whatever ministry he is brought to next.

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