Monday, September 08, 2008

Blessed to be so.

Blessed to be in a loving family.
Blessed to have a legacy of Christian parents and grandparents.
Blessed to be able to worship God openly without fear of persecution.
Blessed to have work--to exercise diligence and stewardship.
Blessed to have freedoms that other cultures' women lack.
Blessed to be in school--to learn and to live as Christ reveals in scripture.
Blessed to live in Christian community with others that seek after God.
Blessed to approach God's throne, despite my depravity and lame tongue.
Blessed to have health and rest and energy.
Blessed to have speech.
Blessed to hear and make music.
Blessed to know, receive, and give love.
Blessed to have hurts, and from them grow stronger.
Blessed to know doubt, so faith might be strengthened.
Blessed to be so.

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