Saturday, September 27, 2008

"There's no time for's football season!"

Moody is famous for it's intermural sports. It's pretty much the only fun outlet most of the Moody men have :) Well it's football season here at MBI and today was the opening day. My boyfriend plays on his floor's A-team (Dryer 2!)

Today was great. First game was at which time D2 whipped the opposition 30-0. The second game was at 3, also a win at 12-6, but a few more twists...

Jesse was going for the ball just as our friend, James, was also. Pictures speak for themselves. Jesse got knocked out for about 10 seconds and couldn't remember the 10 minutes following. We had a fun 4 hour ER visit tonight :D He was discharged with head trauma and tylenol. Gotta love hospitals :)

What an adventure. We followed that visit with a visit to Portillos for some shakes and french fries :D good stuff.


Hofwoman said...

Poor guy - tell him we hope he gets better -

college football is how H injured his foot - these men!

Rachel said...

glad he is o.k! Hope you are enjoying fall weather at Moody!!