Saturday, January 03, 2009

How to formulate a blog topic.

I go through moments of inspiration. Maybe that's what I should title this blog instead. :) I think it necessary to write about topics that are semi-worthwhile. BUT...when the great discussions of all time do not pop into my head, what other ideas shall I consider? I could...

* Tell you what I had for breakfast.
* Write out my grocery list.
* Elaborate on my very unpractical new year's resolutions.
* Gawk at my nieces and nephews (more than I already do).
* Tell you about my bad habits, like not writing my thank-you notes within a week of Christmas.
* Quote famous people.
* Give you a list of favorites.
* Or write out a fantastic story.

See, I prefer the random and spontaneous over the expected.

On another note, I think I have finally decided on a trade, of sorts. I have often toyed with the idea of pursuing nursing, never being extremely all for it, but it has begun to grow on me as of late. My friend, CJ, will claim I'm copying her, which is fine. My mother always said, "Copying is the highest form of flattery." Somehow I stilled never liked being copied...oh well. So yes, the plan as of now is to finish at Moody December 09, take some training the semester prior, then hopefully apply for nursing school through a hospital program. In certain cases, a hospital will pay for your training and you are then committed to work for them for a number of years after you finish, much like the military. We shall see :)

The excellent part about Nursing is it's a guaranteed job anywhere in the world. My interests in international work can be much easily to facilitate with certification in a field like that. So...please pray for direction while I look into schools and programs and don't hesitate to suggest anything you think of.

Lastly, a music recommendation for anyone that needs to update their cds or itunes....look for the Friday Night Lights soundtrack. It's mostly wordless and very relaxing. BEAUTIFUL music. (Compliments to my brother and sister-in-law who bought that for my Christmas gift).

Happy January 3rd!


sis said...

don't worry, I won't call you a copy-cat. :) BUT I love the idea and I think it would be very cool if we did it all together next year. ! fun fun.
haha, we might need another smashing teacups blog when we come to that point though. :)

Kjieri said...

I'm thinking of going into nursing as well!