Thursday, January 08, 2009

Jesse: "a gift; wealthy"


You are quick on your feet, constantly thinking of the random movie quote or funny line. Your humor makes others feel comfortable and welcome around you.

Work Ethic

You do not complain because you have to work. You do your tasks with diligence and efficiency. You expect excellence, first from yourself, and then from those you lead.

Good looks

Your features are dark and defined. Every attribute speaks to God’s marvelous work. You are a FIIIIINE creation. :)


You are talented and knowledgeable in nearly every sport…baseball, basketball, football, hockey, bad-mitten, ping-pong, fuse-ball, and more. Though your ability speaks highly of you, your good sportsmanship does more. On and off the court or field, you are self-controlled and encouraging to your teammates. Disappointments affect you, but do not over-rule you.


You lead by example. You do not demand of others or parade your authority, but you lead by demonstrating excellence in what you do and how you live. You earn the respect of those that follow you.


You seek to know the LORD and His truth in every arena of life. You study hard to know what Scripture says and to apply it in your life. You surround yourself with people and situations that will strengthen and deepen your understanding of Christ and you are quick to obey what is true.


You are single-faced—you live the same way in all facets of your life. You do not hide your true nature to make an impression, but you are honest and open. You are transparent and vulnerable when needed so that others may learn from your testimony and know you more personally.


You are slow to anger. In the heat of the moment, you are self-controlled and even keel, doing your best to calm the situation and seek peace.


You are cautious and thoughtful in your approach to life. Your big decisions, you give time and thought to, making sure that you avoid rashness.

You are respectable and approachable. Others feel comfortable and secure when confiding in you.


They are rough and strong because they have seen much hard work. They are quick to serve and ready to extend to someone in need.


You make it a point to engage beneficial habits for your life…the greatest of these being spending daily time before the LORD and in His word.


Your name is respected by others as a trustworthy and upright man.


You live righteously, acting quickly if you see a hint of sin.


If you see need, you meet it. While helping with the physical lack, you speak to the spiritual as well, encouraging and uplifting others. You serve without being asked or without being thanked.


You continually think of fun creative things to make others feel special.


In how you dress and in what interests you (except your music taste in Celine Dion) ;)


Though you don’t throw away money, you are quick to give of your resources to someone in need. You bless others with what you have been given.


You work for what you need and plan ahead, but you are never greedy for your own gain.


You keep yourself fit both physically and spiritually.


You are quick to seek peace and reconciliation in your relationships. You do not let conflict sit and grow, but deal with it quickly. You forgive when you have been wronged and are quick to admit to your own guilt.


You think of those that are unloved. You remember the homeless, giving your time and energy to demonstrate Christ’s likeness to them.

Slow to Speak

You are careful in your choice of words. You do not speak rashly, but as much as possible you give yourself time to consider your address to things.

Happy 23rd Birthday, Jesse!

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