Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Autumn winds blow the summer gates closed.

Summer has officially come to a close. All things to their proper end, I suppose. Why are transitions so unsettling at times?

As I reflect on the summer, I've really questioned my stewardship of the time. After my trip to Africa fell through, at first I was truly settled with that reality, trusting that God had other plans. But when those other plans didn't seem to meet MY standard of importance, I was very disappointed. Instead of freeing slaves, mending physical wounds, or working in refugee camps, God prepared my hands for different work:
* Going through boxes in my parent's attic...
* Scrubbing ceiling fans and floors...
* Making posters for Psalty musicals...
* Writing letters to distant friends...
* Playing in water fountains with nephews...
* Journaling thoughts of the year in order to see God's faithfulness over time.

I learned many lessons--most of them small and seemingly insignificant, but lessons must begin simply before moving on to the complex.

As I step into another semester at Moody, I do not have the giddy feelings in my stomach of excitement. The smell of freshly sharpened pencils and new books no longer intoxicates me. Rather, I'm of a mindset of joy--I am contented in this place God has rested me. I am learning to approach the Scriptures with more reverence. I am learning to worship God for the mundane as well as the brilliant times of life. I am eager and anxious for the Spirit's conviction through classes and conferences.

I appreciate that God always has purpose. I am so blinded to His purposes sometimes, but I am grateful that He doesn't count on us seeing them to have them exist.

One step at a time.

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